DHPol is now available again16.10.2024: The fault in the telephone system has been rectified.DHPol expertise at EGPA 202404.09.2024: DHPol researchers will provide insights into their research at the European Group for Public Administration (EGPA) conference in Athens from 3 to 6 September 2024.German-Dutch Cooperation for Police Education04.07.2024: The German Police University and the Dutch Police Academy are driving forward cross-border academic higher education with a joint elective module in Münster.Delegation der Estonian Academy of Security Sciences27.04.2024: “Soe vastuvõtt” hieß es Mitte April für zwei Dozierende und zehn Masterstudierende der „Estonian Academy of Security Sciences“ in Tallinn auf dem DHPol-Campus.Call for PapersDeadline for submission of abstracts: May 8th, 2024Federal Police and DHPol Train Leaders in Ethiopia30.01.2024: Leadership theory, project management and operational management were the focus of a leadership training course in Ethiopia.German-Israeli Cooperation12.09.2023: How academic training and further education for police forces can be designed was the central topic of a German-Israeli police training exchange last week.Delegation of the Ethiopian Police University06.09.2023: Exchange of experience in the field of education and training: This week, a delegation from the Ethiopian Police University is visiting the DHPol.German Language Course for Police Officers14.08.2023: MEPA Course at the German Police UniversityGerman Police University at IPSA World Congress18.07.2023: International scientific exchange: The Department Unit Administrative Science at the IPSA World Congress in Buenos Aires and the ICPP in Toronto.Off to Brussels: Think Tank "Public Security"14.07.2023: The Think Tank "Public Security" met at the European Commission in Brussels. Also present: the German Police University.Kick-off European Research Project IMPRESS on Rail28.06.2023: The EU project IMPRESS on safety in European rail transport started with participation of DHPol Unit III.1 in Paris.Delegation from Guadia di Finanza visited DHPol21.06.2023: Perspectives of transnational academic police training between Rome and Münster.International Knowledge Transfer on Police Leaders17.05.2023: Eight high-ranking senior police officers from Morocco, Nigeria, the Palestinian Territory and Jordan spent intensive training days at the German Police University.German Delegation Visits Atlanta16.05.2023: A delegation from the German Police University and the State Office for Training, Further Education and Personnel Affairs North-Rhine Westfalia, visited Atlanta.DHPol at the 5th European Police Master Network12.05.2023: From May 2 to 5, 2023, the 5th meeting of the "European Police Master Network" took place in Oslo with the participation of the German Police University (DHPol).AktuellesNeuigkeiten, Termine, Pressemeldungen 2023
DHPol expertise at EGPA 202404.09.2024: DHPol researchers will provide insights into their research at the European Group for Public Administration (EGPA) conference in Athens from 3 to 6 September 2024.
German-Dutch Cooperation for Police Education04.07.2024: The German Police University and the Dutch Police Academy are driving forward cross-border academic higher education with a joint elective module in Münster.
Delegation der Estonian Academy of Security Sciences27.04.2024: “Soe vastuvõtt” hieß es Mitte April für zwei Dozierende und zehn Masterstudierende der „Estonian Academy of Security Sciences“ in Tallinn auf dem DHPol-Campus.
Federal Police and DHPol Train Leaders in Ethiopia30.01.2024: Leadership theory, project management and operational management were the focus of a leadership training course in Ethiopia.
German-Israeli Cooperation12.09.2023: How academic training and further education for police forces can be designed was the central topic of a German-Israeli police training exchange last week.
Delegation of the Ethiopian Police University06.09.2023: Exchange of experience in the field of education and training: This week, a delegation from the Ethiopian Police University is visiting the DHPol.
German Police University at IPSA World Congress18.07.2023: International scientific exchange: The Department Unit Administrative Science at the IPSA World Congress in Buenos Aires and the ICPP in Toronto.
Off to Brussels: Think Tank "Public Security"14.07.2023: The Think Tank "Public Security" met at the European Commission in Brussels. Also present: the German Police University.
Kick-off European Research Project IMPRESS on Rail28.06.2023: The EU project IMPRESS on safety in European rail transport started with participation of DHPol Unit III.1 in Paris.
Delegation from Guadia di Finanza visited DHPol21.06.2023: Perspectives of transnational academic police training between Rome and Münster.
International Knowledge Transfer on Police Leaders17.05.2023: Eight high-ranking senior police officers from Morocco, Nigeria, the Palestinian Territory and Jordan spent intensive training days at the German Police University.
German Delegation Visits Atlanta16.05.2023: A delegation from the German Police University and the State Office for Training, Further Education and Personnel Affairs North-Rhine Westfalia, visited Atlanta.
DHPol at the 5th European Police Master Network12.05.2023: From May 2 to 5, 2023, the 5th meeting of the "European Police Master Network" took place in Oslo with the participation of the German Police University (DHPol).