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German-Israeli Cooperation: Academic Education for Police Forces

Modern teaching and learning models, practice-oriented, in tune with the times - how academic training and further education for police forces can be designed was the central topic of a German-Israeli police training exchange last week. An Israeli delegation of senior police instructors accompanied by a representative of the Israeli Police Academy in Bet Shemesh visited the German Police University (DHPol) from 3 - 8 September 2023. With their stay, the Israeli delegation responded to the inaugural visit of the Vice President of the DHPol, Mr Uwe Marquardt, and the Head of Staff Unit III to the National Police in Israel in January 2023, immediately after the pandemic-related break.

Mixture of Science, Research, Practical Police Work and History

Pedagogical concepts and didactics, including hybrid teaching and learning models, provided the guests with an insight into training and further education at the DHPol; German-Israeli research issues were also the subject of the multi-day exchange of information and experience The training and further education of the North Rhine-Westphalian police and current discussions on issues of police ethics in North Rhine-Westphalia in the LAFP NRW were reflected upon. The next day, the participants went to Duisburg to visit the Innovation Lab of the North Rhine-Westphalian police, which was newly opened at the end of 2022. In the 500 square meter laboratory, researchers are dedicated to the further and new development of future-oriented police technologies. During a visit to Münster Police Headquarters, the Israeli guests gained an impression of the challenges of practical police work. As a reminder and cultural obstacle, the week ended with a visit to the exhibition at Villa ten Hompel, a historical site as well as a research and memorial center for German police history.

Advancing Academic Police Training Across Borders

"We appreciate the constructive and open dialogue with our colleagues from Israel to advance academic police training across borders," says Carsten Twelmeier, Head of Staff Unit III - International Cooperation at the DHPol. "Strengthening relations between the German and Israeli police authorities promotes trust and cooperation between the two countries and makes it possible to expand existing networks, intensify long-term partnerships and develop joint research projects," adds Guido Kattert, Deputy Head of Staff Unit III - International Cooperation and responsible for DHPol's contacts with Israel.