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From Rome to Münster: Cross-border academic police training

June, 21 2023

Different perspectives on fighting crime as well as the academic training and further education of police officers in Germany and Italy were the focus of a visit by a delegation from the Economic and Financial School "Guardia di Finanza" to the German Police University (DHPol). The Italian colleagues spent three days in Münster learning about the DHPol, the master's degree program "Public Administration - Police Management", and the tasks, organization and structures of German police forces. 

General D. Francesco Mattana, Senior Director of the Economic and Financial School "Guardia di Finanza" from Ostia/Rome, and Col. T. ST Alessandro Serena, Head of the Foreign Department, exchanged information with the DHPol faculty Criminalistics - Fundamentals of Criminal Strategy: DHPol Lecturers for Special Tasks Michael Rauschenbach and André Malick discussed possibilities for future international cooperation between Germany and Italy. Joint teaching modules as well as student or lecturer exchanges are possible interfaces.

Founded in 1923 as the Tax Police School, the Italian institution is recognized by the OECD as a training center for tax investigation. Every year, hundreds of officials from the Guardia di Finanza and other Italian institutions are trained there. Each year, more than 3,000 people take part in face-to-face training courses and around 30,000 in online seminars. 

Accompanied by beautiful Italian style weather the visit of the Italian guests was rounded off with a historical guided tour in and around the Peace Hall of the City of Münster.


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