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Off to Brussels: Think Tank "Public Security"

14. Juli 2023

Having completed the first thesis paper on communication between citizens and the police, the Think Tank "Public Security" met at the European Commission in Brussels. The German Police University (DHPol) was also present.

How can civil security research be made even more innovative? And how can a stronger focus on impact orientation be achieved in European and national research framework programs? These were the questions addressed by the Think Tank "Public Security" at its meeting at the EU Commission at the end of June. Dr Andreas Werner, Research Associate at the Police Security Research Network Unit (VEST SiFo) at DHPol, spoke online from Münster on the topic of "Civil Security Research from an End-User Perspective". In Brussels on site, DHPol Vice President Uwe Marquardt discussed with experts from different areas of public security. The meeting was coordinated by PD - Public Safety Consulting. The participants learned about programs and initiatives of the European Commission and Germany on security research as well as innovation management of authorities and organizations with a security mission and discussed possible recommendations.

Interdisciplinary Thin Tank Develops Future Strategies for Security Agencies

In September 2022, the PD Consulting launched the Think Tank "Public Security" as a new exchange format. It gathers thought leaders and experts from social sciences and security research and practice. The interdisciplinary think tank identifies structural and technological requirements for action. The goal is to derive strategic and innovative measures that are suitable for positively influencing the organization and practice of public security today and in the future.


Explanations and notes