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DHPol at the 5th European Police Master Network Meeting

May 12, 2023

From May 2 to 5, 2023, the 5th meeting of the "European Police Master Network" took place in Oslo with the participation of the German Police University (DHPol). Responsible persons from institutions in seven European countries offering police training degrees at master level met for an intensive professional exchange. 

This year's network meeting in Norway focused on joint module development, research and mobility for students, academic staff and lecturers. Guido Kattert, Deputy Head of Staff Unit III - International Cooperation, represented DHPol on site and explains: "In the European Police Master Network, we focus on synergies, opportunities and challenges for police master training at university level in Europe. Potential lies, for example, in the interlinking of current curricula or the development of joint elective modules according to the ECTS standard, to name just a few examples. The European Police Master Network is thus a good complement to partnerships or bodies such as CEPOL, MEPA or AEPC."

The strategic partnership of the seven educational institutions in the European Police Master Network has been in place since 2019. The following universities and higher educational institutions are members of the "European Police Master Network":

- Police University College Tampere, Finland

- Police University College Oslo, Norway

- Politieacademie Apeldoorn, Netherlands

- Academy of Security Science, Tallinn, Estonia

- Police Academy of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic

- National University of Public Service, Budapest, Hungary

- German Police University, Münster, Germany

The 5th European Police Master Network meeting was organized by the Police University College Oslo.


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