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Police Security Research Network Unit (VEST SiFo)

Fields of Activity

As a networking, communication and transfer platform for police security research, VEST SiFo fulfils an interface function between science and practice for the university. The unit facilitates knowledge  and experience exchange on a wide variety of topics in police security research and supports sustainable networking with various national and international actors from the police, science and industry, for instance in the context of establishing new research consortia. A further central topic of the unit is the transfer of knowledge. To this end, the unit collaborates with university management, the departments and the department administration. An important role in the work of VEST SiFo is played by the Police Security Research Network (Netzwerk SiFo), which ensures contact with the police forces of the federal states and the federal government.

Network SiFo

The Police Security Research Network (Netzwerk SiFo) is an association of all police forces of the federal states and the federal government and the DHPol. It facilitates exchange and knowledge transfer and supports the further development of police security research nationwide. VEST SiFo organises the SiFo network and works together with its contact persons in the federal states and the federal government.


Dr. Tobias John
Phone: +49 2501 806 710
Email: tobias.johndhpolde

Research Associates

Dr. Pia Nottebaum
Phone: +49 2501 806 712
Email: pia.nottebaumdhpolde

Email: VEST SiFo: VEST-SiFodhpolde

Dr. Andreas Werner
Phone: +49 2501 806 711
Email: andreas.wernerdhpolde

Email VEST SiFo: VEST-SiFodhpolde