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Migration and Police – Impact of Immigration on the Organization and Diversity of the German Police


MIGRATE investigates the processes of institutional change, by which the police responds to the challenges of migration, and their consequences. It focuses on the organizational design of the police, its human resource and diversity management, the interactions between citizens and police officers as well as the organizational culture of the police, and uses primarily qualitative research methods. Data will be collected from the police forces in North Rhine-Westphalia, Baden-Württemberg, Hamburg and Berlin, who participate as associated partners. Furthermore police officers studying in the Police Academy Hamburg and the German Police University in Münster will be interviewed or surveyed. By collecting and comparing positive and negative experiences, „good practices“ and „lessons learned“, the project partners intend to gain insights into the relevant attitudes and perceptions of the key players, to identify success factors and to develop policy and managerial recommendations. These results will be published in professional and academic journals and incorporated into the police education and training systems in order to improve not only the cross-cultural competences, organizational structures and processes of the police, but also the social integration of migrants.

Contact person at DHPol

Project partners

Associated partners

Project data


Explanations and notes

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